【113年社團博覽會】報名及相關資訊[113 Club Fair] Registration and Related Information






1. 資格限定:



(3)有關參加社團評鑑所享有的優惠採事後退款制, 請於繳費期限內至課外組繳費;不用電900元、用電1200元,課外組將於確認評鑑資料上傳且社團博覽會結束後另行通知退款事宜。


繳費時間: 113年2月16日、19日、20日、21日、22日、23日,每日下午3時以前至課外組辦公室(行政大樓)繳費。

#本案承辦人:劉郁廷    3366-2066#23    yutingliou@ntu.edu.tw

1. Event Details

  • Event Date: March 9th, 113 (Saturday)
  • Event Venue: Weeping Fig Boulevard (including the road section from the Global Change Research Center building to the intersection with Coconut Palm Avenue) and Coconut Palm Avenue (from the end of Weeping Fig Boulevard to the front of Building No. 4).
  • Event Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Number of Booths: 170 (including 1 long table with 4 chairs)
  • Booth Types:
    • Non-electric Booth (Booth Fee: NT$900)
    • Electric Booth (Booth Fee: NT$1200)

2. Registration Method

  • Registration Period: From December 20th, 112 (Wednesday) to January 26th, 113 (Friday) at 5:00 PM
  • Registration Link: https://reurl.cc/blrd0X

Registration Notes:

  1. Eligibility:
    • (1) New clubs established in the 112-1 academic year and approved by the Student Association are eligible to participate. However, they must complete the club registration for the 112-2 academic year before payment. If the number of club booths is insufficient, registration will be based on a first-come-first-served basis.
    • (2) Other administrative or departmental units participating in the Azalea Festival activities.
  2. Registration Club Evaluation Preferential Scheme:
    • Clubs meeting any of the following criteria are eligible for free use of non-electric booths at the club fair (booth fee waived). This offer does not include the electrical outlet fee, which is NT$300 if needed.
      • (1) Clubs participating in the club evaluation throughout. "Participating throughout" means uploading the required documents for club evaluation (including the club's organizational charter, records of at least 3 activities or meetings, a summary of club evaluation data, and checklists) to the designated website between January 15th and March 1st, 113, and sending representatives to the club fair.
      • (2) Clubs rated as Excellent in 112.
      • (3) The preferential treatment for clubs participating in the club evaluation is subject to a refund after the event. Please pay the booth fee (NT$900 for non-electric, NT$1200 for electric) to the Extracurricular Activities Section within the payment deadline. The Extracurricular Activities Section will notify about the refund after confirming the upload of evaluation data and the end of the club fair.

3. Payment Schedule

  • Club Fair Registration Period: From December 20th, 112 (Wednesday) to January 26th, 113 (Friday) at 5:00 PM
  • Payment Notification Date: February 1st, 113
  • Payment Dates: February 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 113, before 3:00 PM each day at the Extracurricular Activities Section office (Administration Building).
  • Announcement of booth locations: Before 5:00 PM on February 27th, 113 (Tuesday)


  • Pay attention to the important schedule to avoid missing out.
  • Clubs planning to participate must pay attention to the payment schedule, and related regulations will be explained during the payment notification.
  • Person in charge: Yuting Liou, Contact: 3366-2066 #23, Email: yutingliou@ntu.edu.tw
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